ICM: Internal Control Monitoring
The control monitoring module of MARC is meant for automated (exception) controls with a workflow for deficiencies. A control owner is automatically notified in case of an exception.
ICM can connect to multiple SAP systems and performs a continuous check on configuration settings, master data, etc.
ICM has the following features:
- executes automated controls;
- reports deficiencies in controls;
- assigns deficiencies to owners;
- tracks status of reported deficiencies;
- a Dashboard for reporting and monitoring purposes.
Different types of controls are handles with ICM:
- Manual Controls
- Automated Controls
- Access Violations (preconfigured SoD controls)
ICM is delivered with controls catalogues for :
- Controls (automated) on master data checks
- Controls (automated) on configuration checks
- Pre-defined controls for SoD’s (Access Violations controls)
ICM contains also built-in query functionality to create your own controls and/or finetune predefined automated controls.